• @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I thought I was so smart spamming the caterpillars into the password. I overfed Paul.

    The funniest moment has to have been when I Googled “9 minute 34 second Youtube video” and there was at least one video literally titled “9 MINUTES AND 34 SECONDS TIMER COUNTDOWN [574 seconds - 9:34]” and the video was 9 minutes 49 seconds long. I proceeded to Google different numbers of seconds looking for one that hit the perfect number and literally none of the videos, despite seemingly hundreds of videos of very specific times happened to fall on the 9 minute 34 second mark. Like, what insane world is happening in the great depths of Youtube where people spend hours posting completely arbitrary timers on Youtube, but specifically avoid ones that are 9 minutes, 34 seconds in length. I felt set up. I was rolling in laughter. 10/10 would spend my night Googling Youtube timers and overfeeding an emoji chicken again.