Been thinking of doing this for over a year and finally got round to it. Found parts. Spent hours soldering, lubricating, stuffing with foam and programming QMK. So happy with the final result. It’s a joy to use.

Gateron yellow switches. YMDK PCB, backplate and case. Ali Express keycaps.

It’s a budget build and none of this is high end…but it has still worked out really well.

  • Lowlee Kun
    211 months ago

    Wow this looks sexy af. I only have a bought one that is simply not dying on me. Seeing this beauty makes me want to do one too but damn, i dont think i am able to put in all that hard work.

    • @[email protected]OP
      211 months ago

      If you have more money than time, then you can find hotswap PCBs and pre-lubed switches; and that will mean all you’ve got to do is press the parts together. Soldering and lubricating are the most tedious parts.

      • Lowlee Kun
        211 months ago

        Problem is, i sink my disposable income mainly into anime-merch, so far without regrets.