Been thinking of doing this for over a year and finally got round to it. Found parts. Spent hours soldering, lubricating, stuffing with foam and programming QMK. So happy with the final result. It’s a joy to use.

Gateron yellow switches. YMDK PCB, backplate and case. Ali Express keycaps.

It’s a budget build and none of this is high end…but it has still worked out really well.

  • @[email protected]OP
    311 months ago

    The great thing about it is you can make it whatever you want it to be. For me it is: left is backspace, middle is to access another layer (which makes left home row letters into direction buttons and right home row letters into number buttons), right button is space.

    I’m not home to post a picture, but it would be clearer if I could show you a screenshot of the layout. Basically this means I only ever have to move my hands away from home row to press enter or special symbols.

    • humanplayer2
      211 months ago

      For me, the left and right also act as layers, if held and something else is pressed. Then I can access a e.g. navigation from the homerow.