Titan Sub Implosion

From the article:

When a submarine hull collapses, it moves inward at about 1,500mph (2,414km/h) - that’s 2,200ft (671m) per second, says Dave Corley, a former US nuclear submarine officer.

The time required for complete collapse is about one millisecond, or one thousandth of a second.

A human brain responds instinctually to a stimulus at about 25 milliseconds, Mr Corley says. Human rational response - from sensing to acting - is believed to be at best 150 milliseconds.

The air inside a sub has a fairly high concentration of hydrocarbon vapours.

When the hull collapses, the air auto-ignites and an explosion follows the initial rapid implosion, Mr Corley says.

Human bodies incinerate and are turned to ash and dust instantly.

  • @auv_guy
    11 year ago

    This doesn’t make sense to me. Where is the hydrocarbon supposed to come from? Are they farting the whole time? And why should the bodies turn to ash instantly? They consist mostly of water and there is water all around. All this must be heated and evaporated before anything can burn. Where is the oxygen needed to burn 5 bodies coming from?