• @sederx
      -38 months ago

      they are selling each cd like they are each their own game?

      • @[email protected]
        38 months ago

        I clocked over 100 hrs in my first playthrough. It was a third of the story but still a full game.

      • @[email protected]
        -18 months ago

        Yeah true. 7 Remake (i.e. part 1) was good though and a decent length game in itself. Yes, it is a cash grab to milk one game like this. But at the same time if each part is an enjoyable game in itself, I don’t see the issue. I’ll wait for them to go on sale either way.

        • @sederx
          -98 months ago

          i gave up the first part basically halfway. thats not what i call a good game tbh to me it looked inferior to the original in almost every way

          • @[email protected]
            48 months ago

            What made you give up? It’s a very different game from the original of course. Graphically though it was beautiful I thought

    • @[email protected]
      -58 months ago

      In FF7R someone gave sephiroth a playstation and a copy of ff7 and he played it and saw himself lose, so now he’s trying to change history while spooky fate ghosts are trying to stop him and you from changing the game’s story. The changes are not improvements to the story. It’s like they forgot they’re remaking the most famous video game of all time, and thought they needed to fix it to make sales. The thing that makes me saddest about this game is that because it exists, we will never get a remake of the real ff7, one without blocks for hands.

      Ff7 was pretty dark, and most famous for killing off its heroine. I’m not confident that’s even going to happen this time. They didn’t even let the members of avalanche die for some reason.

      I particularly loved the music of ff7. It was simple, but the songs were powerful and memorable. The new music added a dozen instruments to each track, all playing over the main theme and drowning it out. The new music is just pretty-good bgm. Old Shinra theme was intense. New Shinra theme was weak.