Brooklyn landlord Rafiqul Islam faces arson and attempted murder charges

    • Unaware7013
      1018 months ago

      Hot take: people are more important than property, and anyone who thinks not paying for a basic human right is worth murdering over is a piece of shit who should be shunned from society.

      • @[email protected]
        -368 months ago

        Hotter take: Anyone should be allowed to set things they own on fire*. Being a landlord is thing here that should be outlawed.

        *Property fires cannot contain other people or their possessions. Fire must not spread to other properties.

        • candyman337
          398 months ago

          Are you saying that if you can’t make money you deserve to be homeless?

            • @[email protected]
              18 months ago

              I work in hospice and see all kinds of family situations. I see elderly parents that have to move in with their children because of medical and end of life care expenses, children who have to make decisions that will impact their current and future financial stability to care for their parents, and parents who’s children either can’t or won’t blow their futures to put the parents in a safe, clean facility.

              While I don’t wish any of those circumstances on you, I might imagine that should you find yourself there one day you might appreciate some compassion or empathy that you’re denying others.

            • Unaware7013
              128 months ago

              I’m not sure what you’re saying, considering the person I replied to said the dude was right to try to murder a bunch of people, and I said property is not worth more than human life. I never said the world was free to live in, just that people who think that this behavior is acceptable over something that should be a human right are pieces of shit.

              What are you trying to say?

        • Neato
          98 months ago

          It’s not but it should be because it can be.

    • @[email protected]
      718 months ago

      Dude arson endangers not just the lives of the residents of that building but those of adjacent buildings. Fires spread. Even if you could justify the death of the squatters arson is far from any justifiable mechanism.

      • @[email protected]
        228 months ago

        Everyone’s trying to explain the value of human life to this comment but you’re explaining the hazard to other objects. You’re reaching people where they are; I think just might change a heart tonight. Good job.

      • Kevnyon
        -118 months ago

        And they had not paid rent since January? I will never understand the notion that some people, regular people, not billionaires, deserve to lose income while some people deserve free housing because of “family”. While he obviously went a bit overboard, I can’t imagine there wasn’t some desperation in his actions because he had not been paid rent for months on end.

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          If they kept their rent the same, they would still get paid.

          But they were greedy, so they didn’t.

          They only have themselves to blame.

    • @[email protected]
      198 months ago

      While I can try and understand your position. These people basically stole his investment. Arson and murder is not the correct solution.

      • snooggums
        378 months ago

        Evicting them is the correct solution, and if that is too hard for him then maybe he is in the wrong business.