Baldur’s Gate 3’s Japanese release is getting rid of some of Faerûn’s best pastimes - excessive bonking and excessive violence. When the RPG hits the region on December 21, it will remove the ability to enable nudity, and will seemingly censor the sex scenes even further

  • teft
    311 months ago

    Why are games geo-limited nowadays? Can’t someone from japan just download from steam and play the NA version?

    • stopthatgirl7OP
      211 months ago

      I was able to buy it the day it came out on Steam, even though there was no official Japanese release yet, and it wasn’t censored.

      Steam isn’t as friendly for having multiple accounts as the PS store, though. I have a US account and a Japanese account on PlayStation, so I could get games that didn’t release over here or where they were censored here like BG5 through the US account. Steam won’t let you just create another account in another country, seems like. Which is annoying.