• @[email protected]
    1211 months ago

    originally the cookers where saying we were all supposed to drop dead in 18 months. then they changed it to 2 years. now I hear them saying 5 year plan to depoluate the earth. why a sinister organisation would kill all the compliant people and keep the stupid trouble makers around is anyone’s guess.

    also, anytime some dies of literally anything, they jump up and down and blame the vaccine. one time I saw them doing this and the family came out to note the deceased was unvaxxed lol.

    • ZeroTemp
      11 months ago

      The problem with all these conspiracy nuts is that they can never answer one simple question. Why the theatrics? If what you say is true it would be incredibly expensive, require vast amounts of resources, and strict compliance like nothing the world has seen before. If this is all about “controlling us”, and the deep state/shadow government is as powerful as they claim whats with the theater? Wouldn’t it be easier, faster, and cheaper to just send in the Shadow government military forces to drag us all into the streets and say comply or die?

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      I’m pretty sure whenever it comes out that the deceased was unvaxxed it becomes part of the deep state conspiracy to silence dissenters