I have just realised that alien.top seems to be mirroring reddit accounts, posts and comments, without labelling them as such. What is the point of this one way mirroring? As soon as users realise, they are going to just leave. There is no point having a discussion with a bot that cannot respond.

  • @[email protected]
    368 months ago

    without labelling them as such

    All accounts are marked as bots.

    What is the point of this one way mirroring?

    The tool is to help reddit users migrate to Lemmy. By going to the portal, reddit users can “take over” their reddit mirror account and get started on Lemmy already subscribed to the same communities they subscribed on reddit.

    There is no point having a discussion with a bot that cannot respond.

    I’m also working on two-way mirroring, but even without it is already very useful… Do you know the “rule” of 90/9/1? On every social media network, 90% of the users are just lurking. 9% participate in the discussion occasionally and 1% are prolific participants. In my case, thanks to fediverser, I managed to unsub from almost 40 subreddits I was subscribed, but I managed to bring this number to 2 (/r/fediverse and /r/redditalternatives)

    As soon as users realise, they are going to just leave.

    I’m not going to say which to avoid the Streisand effect, but I’m seeing some communities that already have interesting conversations between organic users which could have only have started because of some comment thread that has been mirrored.

    • @CameronDevOP
      188 months ago

      They are definitely not appearing as bots in Connect.

      I am aware of the 90/9/1 rule, i dont agree this is the solution.

      I may be the outlyer, but now that i am aware of it, i am blocking alien.top, and will not waste time interacting with bots.

      • @[email protected]
        128 months ago

        They are definitely not appearing as bots in Connect.

        If the accounts from alien.top you are seeing are not marked as bots, then it means that you interacted with an actual person who has taken over their account. ;)

        i dont agree this is the solution.

        Then how about help and come up with something better?

        will not waste time interacting with bots.

        Then don’t interact with the bots. You can, e.g, write the comment on Lemmy and send a DM to the original redditor, inviting them to join the instance/community. I did that to dozens of people already.

        • @CameronDevOP
          68 months ago

          None of them are marked as bots. It is possibly a problem with my instance not mirroring the bot status.

          I personally don’t think there is a solution. I don’t beleive it is possible to force growth, and trying risks turning people away. I am also not convinced that growth is essential either, reddit always felt so big that i felt like more of an observer, lemmy is nice and small that it feels more like a community.

          You obviously disagree, and i will leave you to it.

            • @CameronDevOP
              28 months ago

              Could be? I can now see bot markings on the posts, but not the profile, so maybe its just me. Its certainly was not super clear to me.

              • @[email protected]
                28 months ago

                Can confirm, using connect the account is not marked but their posts are. Definitely seems to be a connect bug. Shame, connect has been pretty much perfect so far.

    • Otter
      78 months ago

      Oh wow that’s cool, I was wondering how this would be different from Lemmit. Really cool

      How does 2 way mirroring work? How are you planning to fund / keep the instance stable?

      • @[email protected]
        58 months ago

        How does 2 way mirroring work?

        That will depend on a few things:

        • If it’s an user that has “converted” via alien.top’s portal, we can work as a real reddit client and send message on behalf of the user.
        • If the lemmy user is not on alien.top but wants to enable a two-way bridge, then we will have to do an authentication dance and send messages with passcodes to both reddit and lemmy.
        • If the user does not want a bridge, we can still send a message to the reddit thread via another bot.

        The last one would be the easiest to implement, but I’m avoiding releasing this because it might be taken down due to spam.

        • Otter
          18 months ago

          Sounds cool, looking forward to seeing it in action

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          I like the idea. Did notice an error in the about page though:

          We believe that the big traditional social media platforms have become *too big for their own good. Too much power concentrated in the hands of a few oligarchs in Silicon Valley is leading to an internet that is closed and not with the best interests of the people in mind.

    • Neato
      18 months ago

      Neat. just connected my account. I got “No Recommendations” for every sub. Even things like /r/comics. I didn’t see a way to submit bug requests there. Unless I should post to /c/support? It looks empty right now to me.