another slightly late thread but i have been busy for most of today. learning about some arcane internet drama, also reading some books. currently on The Storm Is Here–this will be book 41 for the year when i finish it.

  • @[email protected]
    511 months ago

    Work is normally not complete shit, but it certainly is this week. I think the universe knows I’m going on vacation next week and then decided to make this week hell instead of a normal week.

    That said, I finished The Expanse (amazing show and I just want more!!!) and I’m hopelessly addicted to Cobalt Core. I’ve completed about 6 runs now and have one more ship and character to unlock, and then I “only” have to beat it about 20 more times to get all the memory logs. It’s a very addicting game!

    I’m going to have to find a show or two to occupy me in the next 2 weeks on vacation, though. I like traveling, but I’m skipping it this time to be frugal and I’m just having a staycation. I may drive somewhere for a couple days, but nothing crazy.

    I’m also trying to get into the habit of reading more. I don’t think I’ll ever get to the point of reading double digits books per year (my adhd riddled brain just needs too many vidya games), but I’m trying to at least read a few days a week. That said, with me growing increasingly frustrated with computers (a thing I’m calling ROBS, rapid onset boomer syndrome), maybe I’ll get more into reading to get away from screens (I work in software, so I really should be using a screen at home as little as possible).

    • Bubble Water
      311 months ago

      Just watched a trailer for The Expanse and it looks so good! idk if I can make it thru 6 seasons tho. I’m a serial series abandoner.

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        I also have a hard time catching up with established shows. It sounds like a lot, but it averages to about ten 45 minutes episodes per season, so it’s not so bad. I had to get in the mindset of “nobody cares how long I take to watch it”. I just casually watched an episode or two a night for a few weeks. I recommend watching, it’s awesome! If you do start, I’d say that season 1 is slower than the rest and with lower production value, the show doesn’t really ramp up until season 2, I feel, but then it’s a wild ride the rest of the way.

      • Baggins
        210 months ago

        As others have said keep going through S1. It sets the scene nicely for bigger things later on. I personally rate it as one of the best things I’ve ever seen on TV. Certainly the best sci-fi I’ve ever seen.

        • Bubble Water
          210 months ago

          Started it yesterday- it’s pretty good! Made it thru 3 eps without ever checking to see how much longer it was gonna be.

    • @lhamil64
      210 months ago

      If you want to read and want more Expanse, you could read the books. I’m about half way through the last book now and they’re pretty good. Each season of the show was a book, but the last 3 books didn’t get into the show so there’s some new content there.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        I actually just played the Telltale Expanse game yesterday, too, and that was excellent! And yeah, I heard that the books are different enough (and that there are 3 more of them), so that a read-through would likely feel new to me. I’ve actually had the first book on my shelf for 10 years after a friend gave it to me and I never started it, nor knew what it was until I started watching the TV show, ha.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      I’ve been trying to read more lately too. I used to read constantly as a kid and got out of it somewhere along the way. Hopefully we can both keep up with it!

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        That’s pretty much my story, too. I was one of the biggest readers in my class at school growing up and even as a young adult, I still read a lot (probably 10 books a year or so). Somewhere along the way in the last few years, I just fell off. I think part of it is finding a book or genre that really reignites me in that regard. I had a book a few years ago that did do that for a few months, but I need to make it a habit. I want to reduce screen time in my life, in general, and getting back into reading will help so much with that, while still allowing my hyperactive mind to explore cool universes!