• @[email protected]
    417 months ago

    Cardinals are definitely a good bird even in their native range. They should have used a house wren or something.

    • @gbuttersnaps
      287 months ago

      This was my thought too except i thought bluejay. Bluejays are super pretty, but people who live around them know that they’re giant assholes lol.

      • anon6789
        7 months ago

        Boo! Hiss! You take that back!

        I love my blue jays so much! They’re corvids like crows and ravens, so they are very smart and have tons of personality.

        They became my buddies over Covid and I’ve gotten to watch them raise their families. They’ll call each other when they see me outside and sit in me tree and wait for me to bring them snacks. They’ll all approach in different ways, some braver, some more shy. They’ll discipline the young ones. The young ones will play with each other. They make many more calls than the harsh jeer call. They’ll do a little bobbing dance for me or each other when they’re excited.

        They’ve never picked on the other songbirds. The only things I’ve seen them get upset about were crows and hawks. Though 2 did get into it with each other pretty good once.

        They’re really great animals once you get over the stereotypes of them, and they are one of the things I miss every day about having to take a new job where I can’t be at home and interact with them throughout the day.

        • @gbuttersnaps
          67 months ago

          Of course, I’m mostly joking. I feel like many people who live in areas with both cardinals and blue jays are told when we’re young that they don’t get along very well and we just pick a side and stick to it lol. I love seeing blue jays too, or any corvids really. Much better than seeing all the invasive birds in my area like European starlings.

          • anon6789
            7 months ago

            Yes, the starlings are the only ones I have to constantly remind myself that I don’t really hate them. 😂 At the end of winter they really start to destroy my feeder station.

            I bought into the blue jays scorn since I grew up being told they were jerks, but it changed one day when I decided to offer one a peanut. I’ve got 7 pretty regular bird buds now.

            My cardinals are pretty shy, but this year a mating pair of them learned they can get the peanuts too. I don’t see them near as much, but the lady cardinal is the more aggressive of the 2 when it comes to getting food and she will try to beat the jays too them occasionally and she can hold her own if she really wants that treat!

            This day it was drizzling, so it went under by downspout to eat it’s peanut.

            Just hanging out.

            I didn’t see what spooked this one, but this was the most unusual photo I got of one of them.

              • anon6789
                57 months ago

                I don’t know what that is, so that is probably a contributing factor.

                They’re from my phone camera zoomed to the max, shot through my patio door and/or nylon screen at a bad angle, and Google’s AI color correction.

                They aren’t meant to wow with their technicality, just quick snaps of my outdoor friends. 😉

                  • anon6789
                    37 months ago

                    I’m glad you can enjoy them too!

                    If you want to see more birds, both my bad pictures, but many more good ones taken but actual photographers, check out [email protected] for my daily posts. Lots of cool photos, and some great bird facts.

      • @[email protected]
        127 months ago

        At least bluejay are blue. They’ve got that going for them. Look at this thing it looks so generic.

      • @[email protected]
        67 months ago

        They keep choking in the first round of the playoffs, too. I guess it goes with the blue-and-white colour scheme.

    • @[email protected]
      177 months ago

      Cardinals are loyal. They don’t bail once the weather turns cold and ride the winter out like a true Midwesterner