I know that for data storage the best bet is a NAS and RAID1 or something in that vein, but what about all the docker containers you are running, carefully configured services on your rpi, installed *arr services on your PC, etc.?

Do you have a simple way to automate backups and re-installs of these as well or are you just resigned to having to eventually reconfigure them all when the SD card fails, your OS needs a reinstall or the disk dies?

  • lemmyvore
    611 months ago
    • Install Debian stable with the ssh server included.
    • Keep a list of the packages that were installed after (there aren’t many but still).
    • All docker containers have their compose files and persistent user data on a RAID1 array.
    • Have a backup running that rsyncs once a day /etc, /home/user and /mnt/array1/docker to another RAID1 to daily/, from daily/ once a week rsync to weekly/, from weekly/ once a monthb timestamped tarball to monthly/. Once a month I also bring out a HDD from the drawer and do a backup of monthly/ with Borg.

    For recovery:

    • Reinstall Debian + extra packages.
    • Restore the docker compose and persistent files.
    • Run docker compose on containers.

    Note that some data may need additional handling, for example databases should be dumped not rsunced.