Smooth rounded corners or continuous corners (used throughout iOS) can be easily achieved in Figma and other design software. I’m fairly sure there’s no way to do this simply on the web and it drives me mad. Do y’all know of any ways to do this that can actually be used in production?

  • silasOP
    37 months ago

    Nope, It’s kinda confusing because it looks very similar. Smooth corners are actually a different mathematical calculation than the standard ones from the border-radius property, that’s why I’m kinda doubtful there’s an easy way to do it

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      Ok, I can see that now. I had to stare at it a while like an autostereogram to see it. It’s late here.

      • silasOP
        27 months ago

        Yeah I don’t blame you, I even uploaded the wrong example photo at first lol