Especially the errors related to traits are very difficult to me. Is there a trick? Will I get used to it? Or am I just a failure? :D

Like WTH is this?

the trait bound '(diesel::sql_types::Uuid, diesel::sql_types::Text, diesel::sql_types::Nullable, diesel::sql_types::Timestamp, diesel::sql_types::Timestamp): diesel::query_dsl::CompatibleType' is not satisfied the following other types implement trait 'diesel::query_dsl::CompatibleType': (ST0,) (ST0, ST1) (ST0, ST1, ST2) (ST0, ST1, ST2, ST3) (ST0, ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4) (ST0, ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5) (ST0, ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5, ST6) (ST0, ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5, ST6, ST7) and 24 others required for 'SelectStatement, DefaultSelectClause>, NoDistinctClause, ..., ..., ...>' to implement 'diesel_async::methods::LoadQuery<'_, _, models::Artist>

Or this:

the variant or associated item 'as_select' exists for enum 'Option<Image>', but its trait bounds were not satisfied the following trait bounds were not satisfied: 'std::option::Option<models::Image>: diesel::Selectable<_>' which is required by 'std::option::Option<models::Image>: diesel::SelectableHelper<_>' '&std::option::Option<models::Image>: diesel::Selectable<_>' which is required by '&std::option::Option<models::Image>: diesel::SelectableHelper<_>' '&mut std::option::Option<models::Image>: diesel::Selectable<_>' which is required by '&mut std::option::Option<models::Image>: diesel::SelectableHelper<_>'

or this:

the trait bound 'schema::image::columns::id: diesel::SelectableExpression<schema::artist::table>' is not satisfied the following other types implement trait 'diesel::SelectableExpression<QS>': <schema::image::columns::id as diesel::SelectableExpression<diesel::query_source::joins::Join<Left, Right, diesel::query_source::joins::Inner>>> <schema::image::columns::id as diesel::SelectableExpression<diesel::query_source::joins::Join<Left, Right, diesel::query_source::joins::LeftOuter>>> <schema::image::columns::id as diesel::SelectableExpression<schema::image::table>> <schema::image::columns::id as diesel::SelectableExpression<diesel::query_builder::SelectStatement<diesel::query_builder::FromClause<From>>>> <schema::image::columns::id as diesel::SelectableExpression<diesel::query_source::joins::JoinOn<Join, On>>> <schema::image::columns::id as diesel::SelectableExpression<diesel::query_builder::Only<schema::image::table>>> required for '(id, url, width, height, color, updated_at, created_at)' to implement 'diesel::SelectableExpression<schema::artist::table>' the full type name has been written to './target/debug/deps/server-25bcf4cf7c62d3bf.long-type-2030200755981097212.txt' 3 redundant requirements hidden required for '(diesel::expression::select_by::SelectBy<models::Artist, _>, diesel::expression::select_by::SelectBy<std::option::Option<models::Image>, _>)' to implement 'diesel::SelectableExpression<schema::artist::table>' required for 'SelectStatement<FromClause<table>, DefaultSelectClause<FromClause<table>>, NoDistinctClause, WhereClause<...>>' to implement 'diesel::query_dsl::methods::SelectDsl<(diesel::expression::select_by::SelectBy<models::Artist, _>, diesel::expression::select_by::SelectBy<std::option::Option<models::Image>, _>)>' the full type name has been written to './target/debug/deps/server-25bcf4cf7c62d3bf.long-type-3023492822805157679.txt'

  • @[email protected]OP
    17 months ago

    I’m pretty sure there is a better way to read the error logs, I’ve experienced this in many languages but Rust is the hardest. I’ll research this one.

    • Júlio Gardona
      17 months ago

      @iso all the errors are the same. Missing trait implementations. Already see c++ template issue with dozens of lines. There are some tools that helps like the below. But if you had 100 missing traits implementations, you will got a 100 error lines report.

      • @BB_C
        37 months ago

        As I mentioned in my other comment, part of the problem is the list of implementers (which gets included as a suggestion) being too big, and maybe sometimes too complex.

        This is not inevitable and unescapable, as your comment may suggest. It is, in part, caused by the lack of (mature) support for some type system features, like HKTs.

        Luckily, this is not an inherent eternal limitation it Rust. Although, as I already mentioned, we are probably still years away from seeing this problem being fully in the past.