New here. Just wondered how i go about looking for communities on other instances. When I go to search the knly one it shows me for

Also, how do I open lemmy links such as “[email protected]” on android without getting asked to open it in another app? Edit: nevermind, found out its a slightly issue and that it’s been worked on. I really should’ve spent a few extra seconds looking. I’ll leave it in case another new person sees it

    • @aeluon
      11 year ago

      this seems to be the only way I can get this to work - if I search [email protected] in liftoff, nothing comes up. searching [email protected] (no ‘!’) then it does come up via and I can’t subscribe since I’m not logged in through pasting that link above to access through (my ‘home’ instance?) allows me to subscribe through the liftoff app.

        • @aeluon
          11 year ago

          gotcha, thanks for responding. I’ll get myself setup on the web then until thats sorted out.