Als iemand met een fatsoenlijke design achtergrond een mooie kan maken? Dan koop ik shirts en/of posters!

  • @namingthingsiseasy
    88 months ago

    Likewise sending my support. I’ve always admired NL, especially for its political system and will undoubtedly continue to do so. My hope is that VVD and NSC do the right thing and keep this piece of trash out on the sidewalk where he belongs! Wishing you all the best…

    • @[email protected]
      68 months ago

      I hope so too. But even if Wilders does not get any power in government, the damage is partially done already. I think the racists now feel that their opinion is main stream and they will feel validated to express it more and act more upon it.

      Thanks for the well-wishes and the mind words about the Netherlands.