The 7th Guest was notable for being one of the first cd-rom only games for DOS. It was an atmospheric game with some challenging puzzles. And the obligatory cheesy acting as was usual for FMV games.

Recently a VR remake was released, so if you have a VR headset you might want to check it out. They changed up the puzzles so it’s not a one on one remake, and that makes it more fresh in my opinion. Though being able to just freely move and look around the Stauf mansion would have been enough for me.

  • @Die4Ever
    7 months ago

    and we have a community! [email protected]

    I would cross post this back, except the soundtrack for T7G VR was JUST released so that post is on top right now (also LGR is a bit negative about this game lol)

    • DosDude👾OPM
      7 months ago

      Yeah. You’re the reason I got my headset. Thank you for bringing the 7th Guest VR to my attention! I got a rift S headset 2nd hand for cheap, and it works like a charm!