I’ve heard it explained that “hey” used to be more of an urgent way to get someone’s attention, rather than a casual “hello” like it is now, so it sounded rude to some older folks.

  • @[email protected]
    010 months ago

    Oh I’m not disappointed, you are a pretty easy target. Taking a cheap shot about trans suicides and being indifferent about them and their suffering is callous. Look up the definition of callous. " As far as callous and bigoted, yup, sure am." You owned up to being a bigot. Acting like a bigot and admitting to it and then trying to pretend you are not is a bullshit tactic.

      • @[email protected]
        010 months ago

        I called you a bigot for the type of bigotry that you initially displayed. That you are a bigot in multiple ways isn’t terribly surprising. Do you really feel clever for having an additional secret bigotry? A bigot scoffing at me fighting the good fight is not the take down that you think it is. Did you look up callous yet?

          • @[email protected]
            010 months ago

            That’s just deflecting because you have nothing of substance to offer in response. You are a bigot. You are callous. Those are not good traits. Decent people don’t have to tolerate people who embrace those traits and act on them publicly.