• The Barto
    1910 months ago

    Ok, usually I’ll just stfu and ignore something like this, but I woke up in pain so yeah.

    Why the fuck are there still kill shelters?! that’s a way bigger issue than breeding imo, there are a shit load of shelters who have a constant flow of drop offs and adoptions that never kill, so why are we killing dogs that will find a home.

    Onto your last comment, the one that hit me, I’m watching my best friend, the sole fucking reason I am alive today, reaching her last leg, I would give everything I own and my legs to have way more time with her, I’m having a hard time trying to imagine what my life is gonna be like with out my one constant for the last 14 years, the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see at night… so I wholeheartedly disagree that we shouldn’t extend their lives, fuck I want to still have my girl 30 years from now, just 2 old longtime companions riding into the sun, purposely pissing each other off for the lolz.

    • @[email protected]
      1210 months ago

      There are kill shelters because shelters that never kill won’t take or pass on to kill shelters the dogs with broken legs that’ll live in pain, the dogs with health issues nobody wants to pay to treat, the dogs that have been mistreated to the point of fearful aggression, the dogs that are aesthetically undesirable, the old dogs etc

      Nobody working in a rescue wakes up and says “gee golly! I sure am looking forward to killing a dog today”

      Hell I have a rescued greyhound next to me right now, and no matter how many I adopted there would still be mass graves of them because they only race fast when young.

    • ElcaineVolta
      -2210 months ago

      sorry, breeding dogs that live to their 40s or 50s is incredibly self-centered and short-sighted.
      this is a terrible idea.

      • The Barto
        1010 months ago

        Kk, cool.

        We’re on polar opposite sides of this, I don’t want to ruin either of our days, so have a good one.