As always, the paying user has the worst experience. “Purchase” a show, can only watch on a certain console of a certain brand, no transfers, no backups, then it suddenly disappears from the library and nothing can be done.

If media companies insist on draconian DRM, then they should pay for full refunds to their loyal customers when one day they decide to delist that specific show.

    • tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺
      117 months ago

      In many countries that wont work. The Terms of service need to only include reasonable and expectable clauses, as they are not negotionable.

      And “purchase doesnt mean ownership, we take it from you anytime we want” is neither reasonable nor expectable.

      Also this should run under criminal fraud imo. The customers were deliberately deceived by the term “purchase” into believing they would be granted ownership.

      • prole
        7 months ago

        That argument might fly in the EU, but in the current US political climate? Not so sure. Hopefully they’ll keep making laws with actual teeth to drag these multinational corporations to change things that may lower their bottom line