Could be outstanding, could be something you’ve already completed.

I like to break my goals down into a sort of ladder with the eventual goal at the top, but smaller achievements on the way. So to that end my bucket list includes such gems as:

  • Go out for a meal alone
  • Buy a fancy ice lolly without feeling guilty about it
  • Climb up the nearby hill without stopping for a break
  • Reach out to for a catchup
  • Finish reading the whole Discworld book series (I never did read the last one, iykyk)
    • SuiXi3D
      37 months ago

      Shit, I’m cis but live in Texas. I’ll be thrilled if I make it to 40.

        • SuiXi3D
          57 months ago

          I can’t even imagine what other folks go through. I’m a white, straight, married, male, and I honestly have it tough. It pains me to know that, in the grand scheme of things, I have it easy.

    • mercator_rejection
      27 months ago

      Can I ask why that is the case? I guess I hadn’t heard that it was so difficult before