• @[email protected]
    147 months ago

    “If we can eliminate suffering why did I suffer?” A lot of people justify their trials and tribulations as well as a coping mechanism, but eliminating them dimmishing the copeing.

    • @[email protected]
      77 months ago

      Pretty much. It’s the “kids have it so easy these days” resentment. The “I suffered, so they should too” mentality. People tell themselves that their suffering made them stronger because it helps them cope with the fact that their life fucking sucked for a while. Or they tell themselves that they were able to come out on top through sheer willpower, (even if there was a lot of luck/nepotism/etc involved too,) so anyone else should be able to as well.

    • Maeve
      37 months ago

      It’s true. So much suffering is needless and pointless and rather than accept that and work to eliminate needless, pointless suffering for others, which is exactly what would make suffering meaningful, so many would make sure others suffer worse. It’s sick. We need healing but that doesn’t serve billionaires, or capitalism.