• tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺
    810 months ago

    It is not armed robbery when the military is sent to another country. war is ultimately always about ressources, so you could argue every war to just be an armed robbery gone wrong.

    If someone sends their military to another coubtry without this countries explicit consent it is an act of war.

    • circuscritic
      10 months ago

      You can semantically argue anything you want, but ultimately I can’t imagine any scenario where this would have been an actual war, or even resembling one.

      If the goal was to seize assets contained within a one, or just several buildings, the most likely way this would have played out would have been covert foreign intelligence teams, not an SAS commando raid with a bodycount.

      Would it have been incredibly dumb, and probably end up with the intelligence officers/assets arrested? Sure.

      Would it have been anything like a HVT snatch and grab in Afghanistan? No. Just no.

      Like I said, an even dumber, dumb Watergate.