If i put say into firefox desktop or mobile it will try to load a webpage from that host. If i put http://[ipv6] into desktop it works as well. If i do the same on mobile it sends it to my search engine as a query.

  • glibg10b
    27 months ago

    What does that have to do with anything?

    It’s only once you visit a website that it matters whether you’re on an IPv6 network. OP isn’t visiting the website at all; they’re just typing the address and being taken to their search engine

    • BlackEco
      27 months ago

      Because if OP was trying to access an IP v6 address from an IPv4 network that wouldn’t work. It wasn’t obvious to me where the issue lies.

      • glibg10b
        7 months ago

        I think your misunderstanding comes from the fact that “wouldn’t work” can mean a lot of things, and you didn’t know quite what it meant


        1. you’re not on an IPv6 network,
        2. you enter the IPv6 address of a website into the address bar and
        3. the browser attempts to load that website (not a search engine),

        then the connection will time out:

        OP never got to step 3, which indicates a problem with the browser