Just updated to 0.0.38 (from 0.0.34 I think) and it is amazing. The addition of comment navigation buttons and the abbility to go back to home page by swiping right are just so pleasant. Thanks devs, with how great this app is developing I don’t think I would need to try the incoming reddit apps.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      For me hitting the back button crashes the app. I am not used to swiping to get back out of a post. I end up crashing the app a lot.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      It is very sensitive. When I swiping with my thumb it’s in an arc, and if I start above half way it reads as a right-swipe and takes me out of the post. Frustrating.

    • @[email protected]
      -181 year ago

      Swipe to navigate is always annoying. Anyone who likes it should feel bad for liking something so bad

      • @magicalbeast69
        121 year ago

        People like you are always annoying. Anyone who is like you should feel bad for being like you.

      • @[email protected]
        -91 year ago

        You have a long way to work on your self-insight and compassion for others.

        Dictators likely begin with such autocratic statements such as yours.