I live in northern Mexico, so my culture is heavily influenced by both American and Mexican culture of course!!! But if I ever visit the United States, specifically the southern states. Would I feel different in those states? Thank you.

  • Rhynoplaz
    87 months ago

    So much for my hope of going one day without reading “BoTh SiDeS aRe BaD!” and it’s not even 7am yet.

    • Semperverus
      7 months ago

      Have you physically been to california?

      The place is a goddamn shithole. Sheetmetal lining the sides of their freeways. Their beach outhouses are literally filled to the rim with diarrhea, toilet paper, and garbage (not an exaggeration, it had a convex miniscus). Their drivers are some of the most aggressive I’ve ever had the displeasure of being around. 90% of the people there I interacted with are fake as fuck, and the only ones that weren’t were people I knew who had moved there (who were also the only reason I went there to begin with).

      I have driven the entire state. The only good part about California is the redwood forest, and i want to annex that into Oregon if it ever becomes an option.

      I dont hate california for political reasons, everything else about it is what sucks.