• @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    Grant Cardone is a Scientologist who more or less runs a variety of real estate scams to enrich himself and other prominent Scientologists.

    That being said, I would not be surprised if we end up with 50 year mortgages, but 100 seems absolutely insane to me as just… most people do not live that long.

    Renting clothes? Honestly, this wouldnt surprise me either.

    Its kind of a perfect scam actually: Set up the terms and conditions such that if there is any damage to the clothes, you have to pay for their repair or replacement, and then also offer clothing rental insurance for an extra fee, just in case!

    Pay a bunch of instagram and tiktok influencers to rep various fashions and the clothing rental company, and of course manufacture all the clothes in sweatshops in the global south and charge something like 10 to 1000 times the variable cost of making any particular clothing item to the global north, but then rent the article of clothing for what 1/3 of the that number, per week.

    Works much better if you can make certain clothing items /only/ rentable and not outright purchasable via basically coordinating with existing brands, exclusivity works to get gamers to shell out stupid amounts of money for basically unique cosmetics, why wouldnt it work here?

    People bought gamer girl bath water, Republicans have destroyed public education, scrolling insta or tik tok all the time is basically known to cause various mental disorders but people so it because its addictive like a drug…

    … yes i absolutely believe American Gen Zers would fall for this, and probably a good number of Millenials too

    Hooray Capitalism!

    Anyway, I think Cardone is saying stuff like this to try to posture as a concerned citizen, meanwhile, if I am not mistaken, I am fairly sure he is facing legal trouble relating to basically running a real estate flavored ponzi scheme. So I mean he is a real estate guy rofl, and I think his general concern is valid… its nearly certainly just him doing his own PR.