• ASeriesOfPoorChoices
    -110 months ago

    You must not live in the USA, or Poland or similar places full of Christian fundamentalists who go around killing people they don’t like.

    Or, are you trying to pull a “no true Scotman” fallacy on us?

    But nice try at moving goalposts. Fuck, it’s obvious what a horrific, toxic person you are. This is why you have no friends.

    • Enkrod
      10 months ago

      Not the person you were answering, just want to butt in:

      If you say “you must not live in USA or Poland” isn’t that precisely what Hashtag NotAllChristians means?

      Because yes, there absolutely are rabid examples of people bombing abortion clinics or 2nd amendment Christofascists from Howdy Arabia, but the majority of Christians, at least in Europe are more or less quietly doing their own thing and not even going to church outside of Easter or Christmas. So yes, definitely #NotAllChristians.

      Doesn’t mean I agree with them, like them or want their delusions affecting our culture, but European Christianity has been dragged into the post-enlightenment world kicking and screaming. We as a civilization reigned in the worst excesses of organized religion, doesn’t mean it doesn’t still happen and doesn’t mean it’s peaceful and okay now, but at least we are at a point where the violent looneys are few and far between.

      • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
        110 months ago

        So you agree with me? Fantastic wall of text to say that.

        That means nothing to everyone else while some still kill over it

        while some still kill

        See? Christians are just as bad as Muslims.

        Fucknuckle was trying to hate on one religion while propping up their own. That bullshit should not stand.

        • RandoCalrandian
          010 months ago

          Very much not religious, and not excusing Christianity, but go fuck your self if you think the levels of modern violence are comparable.

          There is nothing I can draw on a piece of paper that will incite Christians to kill me on sight

          • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
            110 months ago

            Oh, so now you’re moving goalposts with LEVELS of violence.

            That’s not disingenuous at all. 🙄

            Fuck you’re a dumb piece of shit. Fuck off and suck a cross or something you Christian terrorist apologist.