Android news, reviews, tips, and discussions about rooting, tutorials, and apps.
General discussion about devices is welcome. Please direct technical support,
upgrade questions, buy/sell, app recommendations, and carrier-related issues to
other communities.
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on topic: All posts should be related to the Android operating system or
ecosystem. 2. No support questions/rants/bug reports: All posts should benefit
the community rather than the individual. Please refrain from posting individual
support questions, rants, or bug reports. 3. Describe images/videos: Please
provide an explanation in the self-post body when sharing images or videos.
Memes are not allowed. 4. No self-promotional spam: Only active members of the
community can post their apps, and they must participate in comments. Please do
not post your own website, YouTube, or blog. 5. No reposts/rehosted content:
Submit original sources whenever possible, unless the content is not available
in English. Reposts about the same content are not allowed. 6. No editorializing
titles: Do not change article titles when submitting. You may add the author if
relevant. 7. No piracy: Do not share or discuss pirated content. 8. No
unauthorized polls/bots/giveaways: Do not create unauthorized polls, use bots,
or organize giveaways without proper authorization. 9. No offensive/low-effort
content: Avoid posting offensive or low-effort content that does not contribute
positively to the community. 10. No affiliate links: Posting affiliate links is
not allowed. ##### Elsewhere + Telegram [] +
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You son of a bitch. I’m in.