I’m trying to run a development project on a vm, my vm has Debian 12 and has 8gb ram and I’m running 2 intellij projects + mysql in docker and my vm freezes completely ti the point I need to reset my pc. Anyone has suggestions how to avoid tha without increasing memory? I feel like that a small project like that should hold 8 gb memory

  • RandomDevOpsDude
    2 years ago

    You may get more traction asking in the communities that exist for those tools: IntelliJ and Docker

    8GB for two separate IntelliJ projects sounds low. You could try importing both into one instance as separate “modules” so that there is only one IntelliJ instance/window.

    Depending on how you are running the VM, the host may be choking it through the host OS and leading to OOM. Especially with a tool like docker.

    Edit: I see you commented usage of windows, you may need to look into wslconfig