• @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    It is pretty far off if you actually stop and think about it for even two seconds instead of just blindly parroting something only because it agrees with your world view.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        How many people do you want to lump in together? All _______ are evil. Fill in the blank. Feel free to insert racial, gender or sexual preference terms where you had financial ones if the point is lost on you.

        Not sure the words strung together in your handle are meant in jest here.

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          Feel free to insert racial, gender or sexual preference terms where you had financial ones if the point is lost on you.

          But none of those traits are fungible like wealth is.

          You can’t become 10% more black/trans/gay in a crooked scheme like you can with wealth right?

          • @[email protected]
            10 months ago

            Look if you want to be a bigoted collectivist, be my guest. I am an individualist. I believe we each have free will to choose how to behave and who we are. My possessions do not define me, but they are mine.

            And yes, you can change your gender I’m told. Especially if it is “fluid” and dynamic. You can change the sexual preference of which partners you choose. Edit: the list above is not exhaustive. You can lump people in and collectivise them however you like to make this point. All football players. All teachers. All homeowners (if you prefer somrthing you own to something you do). Don’t be pedantic and play dumb to avoid the topic at hand.

            If you despise wealth, feel free to give it away. But if you think wealth is inherently evil and think I don’t deserve it if I earn it, and that my having it makes ME inherently evil and you’ll lump me in with those others? Then feel free to come try to take it from me. Just don’t be a coward and use the force of the state or police or military or your neighbor or your vote or other parties or things by proxy to do it.

            But this is all a side show to the main topic. If you’re a collectivist, we will never see eye to eye and I passionately disagree with your ideology and will oppose it at every opportunity.

            • @[email protected]
              010 months ago

              Ha. I post with an explicit request not to be a coward and to face me and my ideas, and some coward casts a downvote anonymously without facing or challenging the ideas in good faith. Too rich.