• bruhduh
    3110 months ago

    You can’t connect home system that is never connected to internet, basically make home server and hook up cameras and don’t ever connect that to internet

    • deweydecibel
      10 months ago

      The problem is cameras like these, the kind that people are putting up inside their own homes, facing their living spaces, their own damn bedrooms, they’re sold to people that have this desire to be able to check in with those cameras remotely at any time, without a good reason.

      The only reason my mother seems to have crap like this set up is so she can see the dogs when she’s not home. They’re just sleeping.

      Internet connected, living space directed cameras are this bizarre consumer electronics trend that has no legitimate use case for like 90% of the people that rush to use it. Certainly not one that merits the security risks and the privacy invasion that they are inviting on themselves.

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago

      Half the reason to own a security camera system is so you can monitor it while away. Can’t do that if the system isn’t online.

        • ddh
          10 months ago

          It’s going to be cloud accessed. People who install these to check on whether Mittens is sleeping aren’t setting up a domain or remembering an IP.

    • 520
      10 months ago

      Bro, if I find any ingress point onto your network, I can connect to your networked cams.

      Little brother downloads a Trojanised pirate copy of a game? I can connect to your cams via your lil bro’s computer.

      Not patched your stuff and there was a drive-by-download and RCE exploit? I can do it through your computer.

      Your firewalls are important but they aren’t impenetrable.

      • @[email protected]
        2010 months ago

        Yeah, but you’d pretty much need to target the person so these blanket hacks where a bunch of cameras are exposed aren’t really possible

        • 520
          10 months ago

          No I don’t. Like the first example above I can simply trojanise an executable, and release it to the public.

          Once I’m on your network, the first thing I’m always going to do is see what I’m working with. That means a network and system info sweep. If I’m efficient, I already have a script to do this.

          That sweep will reveal the presence of the camera. I might be interested in extortion material or I can sell this to a criminal gang, if I can get it open. I already have the camera’s MAC address, so finding the make and model isn’t too hard.

          Then I might browse to it, see what system software it is running. Then I would try default usernames and passwords (people don’t always change them) and see if there are any usable exploits on the software.

          If I come across a certain camera type with certain vulnerabilities a lot, making a script to autofuck these cameras is child’s play.

          Source: am an ethical hacker/ red teamer.

          • ihavenopeopleskills
            10 months ago

            Source: am an ethical hacker/ red teamer.

            What is the recommended on-ramp for someone with a CS degree and a networking background?

            • 520
              10 months ago

              With that kind of background you’ve got a good advantage. You probably know how people fuck up their implementations as rookies, the next step is learning to take advantage of it.

              Depending on the areas you want to get into (web, mobile, infrastructure, web3, etc) there are a lot of different training materials you can do. Most are free or very affordable.

              Basic infrastructure stuff is a must, but it’s really simple. Your main tool for this will be either Nmap or massscan, both are port-scanners. You need to learn some basic flags and understand why you might want to use some and not others depending on the scenario (you probably already know at least some of this already). This is usually the first technical step in any operation.

              Basic Linux and Windows command line is also a must. You don’t need to be able to do Linux From Scratch but you do need to be comfortable with Linux (and Windows) command line; if you manage to get a shell (illicit remote access) on a victim box, this is what you’ll be using to get around. An industry standard toolkit also comes in the form of a Linux distro, namely Kali Linux.

              For more advanced infrastructure stuff, check out the HackTricks gitbook, it’s really helpful.

              For web (not web3) based stuff, you can start with Damn Vulnerable Web App and OWASP Juice Shop. The former is far more tutorialy but the latter has all sorts of walkthroughs. Understanding why this works is important to understanding in future what kinds of stuff work, which is important when people actually put in (bypassable) protections.

              If you want to go through more of a web3 route, get familiar with the Remix IDE and check out Ethernauts.

              For mobiles, it’s important to have jailbroken or rooted devices, especially in the case of iOS. Check out Damn Insecure and Vulnerable App (Android) or Damn Vulnerable iOS App (iOS). The OWASP Mobile Testing Guide is also a really useful read.

              Once you get comfortable, you can also check out Capture The Flag challenges hosted by other people. CTFTime is a good aggregate for these and HackTheBox is a good training ground for them.

              I would generally recommend these tools before going onto certs; once you’re good at these, you’ll breeze through the certs with a light refresher on course details, however the certs are an expensive way to actually learn.

              As for which certs, CompTIA Pentest Plus is a good starter. Offensive Security Certified Practitioner (OSCP) is a good mid-level cert, and CTFs are a crazy good preparation (this exam is much more practical-based than your standard exam). Don’t listen to some LinkedIn lunatics that call this a starter exam, it absolutely is not, and they probably have never taken it. It is, however considered something of a gold standard in the industry; if it isn’t a minimum requirement, it is considered VERY helpful in most job applications.

            • @[email protected]
              110 months ago

              John Hammond’s got some pretty good “getting started with White Hat hacking” videos on his YouTube channel (a lot of “hack a box” and “CTF” style videos). He’s got one or two where he talks about his resume and training/classes he’s done.

      • Hyperreality
        910 months ago

        Seperate network that’s physically not connected to a network which connects to the internet or cameras with local storage.

        You can’t hack into the wildlife camera in my backgarden. It doesn’t even have wifi, just an SD card.

        Of course, that’s less useful if you want to check up on your house when you’re away.

        • bruhduh
          1010 months ago

          That’s what I’ve been trying to say, thank you for backing me up

        • 520
          310 months ago
          1. not a common feature of home networks

          2. If the compromised machine has access to both vlans, you’re still fucked

            • 520
              10 months ago

              It isn’t a common feature on ISP provided routers, which is what most people use. Some ISPs (example: my own) even make it exceptionally difficult to use other routers. I had to install OpenWRT on my retail router to get it, and getting that working was such a pain.

      • 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏
        110 months ago

        It kinda depends on the setup I think, especially when vlans and firewalls are involved, you’d likely need additional payloads to make further progress in that kind of environment IMO. Something granting persistent remote access to the compromised machine would be the most ideal option.

        As always physical access is pretty much game over though lol.

        My cams are only accessible via an authenticated endpoint hosted on a dedicated machine, which acts as a “bridge” between the VLAN that the cameras are on (no internet access), and another VLAN hosting internal services, like home assistant, plex etc.

        Aside from physical access, the only way to access the cams (that I can think of) would be via some exploit in Home Assistant, or by brute forcing the password to (any of) my network switches to access the management VLAN, changing the VLAN the cameras are set on to something else (bypassing the routing, firewall setup, and auth “bridge” entirely). Or maybe just exploiting the bridge machine directly and dropping a payload to forward the cams out to the net via the services VLAN

        With physical access, you could chop up the PoE for an external camera and using that as an ingress point - but you’d only have access to the cameras and the bridge machine unless you exploited that too. At this point the zabbix client on the bridge machine would have notified me that a camera’s dropped off the network, unless you dropped a payload to force it to return a good status lol

        Does sound like a very fun exercise though tbh