Welp, I made a similar thread yesterday regarding Manjaro but I decided to swap to Fedora as my daily driver for stability purposes. Unfortunately since fedora is yet another non Debian distro I need help finding a Syncterm replacement.

I’m my previous thread it was pointed out to me that syncterm has a docker option which I can run on Fedora, but I’d prefer running an app locally if possible.

I tried the Syncterm snap package which boots inside bash, but it doesn’t have ANSI support (which is the entire point of using Syncterm) since I assume it’s simply piggy backing off of bash- hence the 1.5* review on the snap store.

Looking for options… if anyone can help a Linux noob I’m all ears. I tried Alien to convert deb to rpm and fell on my face.

  • @[email protected]
    156 months ago

    It feels like a fork for the sake of “I use arch BTW”

    It doesn’t add anything of value on top of “vanilla” arch, but they still manage to break stuff that works in Arch, occasionally ddos AUR and if I recall correctly there was some controversy because the developers were assholes

    • @LeFantome
      6 months ago

      Except of course that more ex-Manjaro people move to EOS than vanilla Arch. I have no data on this but there are certainlymore EOS commenters on Manjaro threads than pure Arch ( though often those groups overlap a lot as many people use both ).

      I do not know anybody that uses both Manjaro along with any other Arch distro. You are either in or out on Manjaro.

    • @[email protected]
      -16 months ago

      That’s wrong though, isn’t it? AFAIK, Manjaro hosts their own repos with a focus on up to date but slightly more stable packages

      • PHLAK
        66 months ago

        That’s the main repos, not the AUR.

        • @[email protected]
          -36 months ago

          For sure, but the AUR poses a risk to any system if you’re not careful. I don’t think it’s really fair to blame Manjaro for that