The recent doxing of a Proud Boy school board candidate by the Midwest Youth Liberation Front highlights the work being done by teenage antifascists.

Article is from 2021, but I’d never heard of the “Youth Liberation Front” before.

  • @jasory
    -176 months ago

    Hmmm… yes Robert Evans the anarkiddie who tried to cite examples of business owners trapping customers in burning buildings to argue that incident response should be discarded in favor of a grass roots response and recovery mission by locals.

    Robert Evans is blatantly biased and by his own admission actively participated in the “Rose City Antifa”. He’s literally the left-wing Andy Ngo, and equally brain-dead. But he has a nice voice so people still listen.

    • be_excellent_to_each_other
      6 months ago

      Actually he only introduces this one, nearly everything is directly from the other folks I mentioned. (IIRC) He essentially platformed the organizers to release this information via podcast.