Until I fuck the squid

  • @MagicShel
    87 months ago

    I have yet to play an origin character other than durge. But it seems like it would make it easier to have everyone around for their bit of story. "Oops going into the magic shop need Gale. Here’s Jahira’s family, better grab her. Dammit, it’s Mizora, have to grab both Karlach and Wyll. Ugh, have to show this cave art to Shart.

    Not even counting swapping in Gale when I need Feather Fall or buffing the party with Longstrider or Shart for Feast and Aid. I hate how cumbersome it is to swap characters. I know there are mods, but not on PS5.

    • @[email protected]
      77 months ago

      On your next play through try killing or running off most of your companions and you won’t have that issue. You’re welcome.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        Playing as durge rn (second play through, first as durge) and I’ve already lost all but shadow heart, astarian, and lazel to “accidents”, I hope I don’t regret that later but it’s nice having a more limited team, plus I can rely on hirelings if I need to