Simple Python [executable] version management, that is.

  • @jeebus
    1 year ago

    When bringing people online from other languages, I first get them to find out what python there is in their environment and go with that if it’s recent enough. Then I tell them about pyenv and it’s plugins after a bit. Whenever I go straight into installing pyenv, it feels like I’m throwing some one in the deep ocean.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I’ve seen too many issues caused by relying on the system python. For starters, it’s much more difficult to fix if you screw something up.

      I tell everyone to use pyenv – but only to install specific versions of python. I then create a primary venv for a couple of versions, and that’s what I use as my “system” version. Each project creates a separate venv based on the pyenv versions. I use autoenv to activate and deactivate as needed.

      It’s a little more setup, but it avoids so much magic, and it’s extremely robust.