What is the industry/production grade solutions or if you have already any experience please share it. Thanks

  • @Tja
    39 months ago

    Scaling horizontally is never trivial, can you share more about the requirements?

    Usually application level partitioning, but it’s hardly repeatable. Cloud providers offer solutions like Spanner, that cost quite a bit. You have new SQL DBs like yugabyte or cockroach, which are not exactly MySQL, and are not really battle tested. And noSQL like MongoDB or Cassandra, which are, well, not even SQL, but are proven technologies and scale quite effortlessly.

    • th3raid0r
      39 months ago

      I work for another distributed database company. I can say that it’s much harder to convert cockroachDB customers than Yugabyte customers. Given that, I’d think that CockroachDB is likely the more vetted solution. Sure it’s new (2017), but it’s not THAT new.