• @CameronDev
      36 months ago

      I am using it as a personal wiki, so i have a bunch of links. With edit enabled, when you click a link it drops the cursor in the middle of the link and expands it into raw markdown. It would be nice to “finalise” or “lock” the page so that editing was disabled, links would be easier to click.

      Also sharing pages with my partner would be nicer.

      Wouldnt need to be a permanent lock though.

        • @CameronDev
          16 months ago

          Seems I was confused, links are fine. Tables are a bit wonky though, if you click a cell (to select or copy), it drops to raw markdown. Tested on desktop. Being able to lock it as non-editable would (theoretically) prevent the nice table formatting being lost.

          But it is a minor complaint, not a deal breaker.

        • @CameronDev
          16 months ago

          Sorry, that wasnt clear, simply giving my partner a link to a non-editable page so they dont accidentally make a mess of it.