• @[email protected]
    349 months ago

    The party is ambushed in a tavern by four cats with white puffs on their chest. The cats mrowl out an ultimatum, but alas, the players do not speak Animal! After helping themselves to the players meals, the cats hang around and generally make a nuisance of themselves; knocking down cups and getting underfoot.

    When the party finally realizes they’re being extorted by Cat Sith, they’re already an encounter deep in the next dungeon, and are making loads of rolls with misfortune! Only a rare fish will appease the cats, but how will the PCs find that out?

    • @[email protected]
      99 months ago

      Are those just… normal cats?

      Side note, if you ever want to calibrate Detect Evil, any cat will do.

      • @[email protected]
        99 months ago

        kind of! They get codified unluckiness and a SOUL STEAL power if someone gets so unlucky that they die near them. No raise dead for u, should’ve been nicer to the weird cat.

        …but they’re otherwise just big cat faeries.