• @Lmaydev
    06 months ago

    I’ve found the bing AI with ChatGPT 4 is really good at stuff like this.

    I just asked when my team’s next football match is. It gave me the time/date location who they are playing and sourced its answer.

    It’s a genius combination. Uses ChatGPT to compile a query and then feeds it the results back.

    I basically use it as a search engine now since you have the sources there.

    • @[email protected]
      46 months ago

      There’s nothing genius about this. Google Assistant can do the same thing if you give it the appropriate prompt. Sometimes it does and sometimes it just says “sorry I can’t help with that” and sometimes it just doesn’t respond at all.

      An actually useful assistant would use context from what it knows about you (like that you purchased tickets for a specific game) and reply accordingly with a very basic prompt.

      That’s what separates a personal assistant from a search engine.

    • gila
      16 months ago

      That’s pretty cool! But hell, I bet even Siri could do it. My gripes are with the google VA in its current state. I can’t just call out “Hey Bing” and get an answer from my phone unfortunately