Hi! I hope all is well. I am loving this instance and all the communities so far! As I am a new grad software engineer who is gonna start working in the next month, I was wondering if there are some tips, advice and some nuggets of wisdom you want to pass to this clueless person making this post lmao.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Don’t take too long trying to figure out a challenge by yourself. Ask questions. Unlike in school, you are allowed to ask for help with your work.

    Learn how to write unit testable code as soon as possible (SOLID principles). Learn how to write concise and relevant unit tests. If it’s not in your team’s culture to write unit tests, then you go be that guy. It’s good for you and it’s good for the product. Unit tests are one of the few things in the programming community that everybody believes are a good thing.

    • Jason Novinger
      31 year ago

      I couldn’t agree more!

      I had a great colleague at my previous job, who was great at reminding folks that we’re there to get things done together and struggling in silence was the opposite of that. If you can’t figure it out after an hour, give someone (anyone!) a holler and get a second opinion.

    • @alphapro98OP
      11 year ago

      I think unit tests are something I struggle with a lot due to not having the habit to write them down. Thank you though! The SOLID principles haven’t stumbled upon them in my undergrad lol well time to hit the books again on unit testing xD