[Cinnamon] “Retro Heresy: Service Pack 1”

After my last post, I got some suggestions. AND I LOVED 'EM!

Now with audio! https://bolha.tube/w/wNV9TTvPYPVNHoPPtTu54g

Keep in mind this is STILL my work computer. I’ve installed Tibia and Quake just for the LOLZ. Had mixed reactions from my colleagues. So… mission accomplished? :P

Theme and Icons: https://b00merang-project.github.io/
Wallpaper: https://wallpapers.microsoft.design/ “Nostalgic Scenes Collection”
Audio: Internet Archive https://archive.org/details/windowsxpstartup_201910

cc @unixporn

  • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️
    209 months ago

    You can go ahead and sign me the fuck up for whatever that is that’s skinned like Winamp. That is functional, right? Not just part of the desktop image?