• @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        Lol what a pathetic taunt.

        Edit for the ultra daft downvote crew: the fact the US killed civilians is directly relevant to the blub i responded to, the one claiming the US was bettter than Israel because it did not kill civilians.

        For the extra determined ignoramouses ive provided this as an example :

          • @[email protected]
            06 months ago

            Your link to the definition of ‘avoid’?

            I avoided nothing. I addressed the issue directly.

            The USA kills civilians.

            Israel does at a much faster rate. A genocidal one in fact.

            But that does not give any creedence to the notion the USA is innocent.

            QED JFC

            • @[email protected]
              16 months ago

              Now you’re moving the goalpost. Dude, just admit your wrong. The US goes to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties.

              • @[email protected]
                06 months ago

                Nevwr moved the goal posts. You just need a bit more reading comprehension.

                And no, civilian damage and deaths will not prevent the USA from striking targets.

                Look up Obama’s record of drone striking weddings.

                It is why i left the industry.

                Ive been inside DARPA and the Pentagon discussong collateral damage.

                Avoiding it is not a priority.


                1. to be feared by tge enemy

                2. so the enemy cannot use human shields

                But directly targeting non combatants and hiding behind ‘faulty intelligence’ has been a common occurance.

                Remember the car full of water and children the US blew up as they left Afghanistan?

                • @[email protected]
                  16 months ago

                  You should really read that definition of avoid. Because you keep using it as an absolute term when it very much is not.

                  And I don’t care if you were some white coat back in the States. I was on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan. If we weren’t worried about avoiding civilian casualties we wouldn’t have gotten out with so few.

                  • Sybil
                    06 months ago

                    could have avoided all of them. literally every single one.