I originally signed up for lemmy about six months ago due to becoming outraged over reddit’s continual coddling of hard right and fascist powermods that use their authority to harass.

It was good here at lemmy.world for a long while until I started getting harassed by a 12 day old right leaning mod in /politics.

I posted a thread here about what to do and even got back a response from the site operator.

Which was shortly followed by a PM my thekingoflorida (the site operator) scolding me and threatening action for calling out the mods bad behavior in threads.

Reading the wind I realized lemmy.world is heading down the shitshow path that so many other online social forums have become and immediately deleted my account.

@thekingoflorida I do not want you to respond, I don’t care about your opinion, and if the fucking software would let me block you, I would have already.

So in short, I’m looking for a lemmy instance that has zero right wing users with admins that actually want to keep right wing forum manipulation off of their platform. I don’t care about ‘the marketplace of ideas’ or fairness in speech that tries to give space to fascist rhetoric in the guise of equality.

EVERY time they worm their ways in and have admin support, it ALWAYS railroads into what ruined reddit. And I’m tired of these shitstains ruining communities that I enjoy.

So, TL;DR: I’m looking for a lemmy instance with ZERO tolerance for anything right of Bill Clinton.

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    Your post was more detailed than just ‘show me a list of left leaning Lemmy instances’… because you could self serve that with https://lemmyverse.net/

    How I read your post:

    I used to like it here, but then people started making drama with me, then the admin started making drama with me. I want to find an instance where there won’t be any drama, tell me where I can go to a place where nobody will disagree with me.

    • @[email protected]
      116 months ago

      tell me where I can go to a place where nobody will disagree with me.

      Start your own private instance and federate with no one. Nobody will disagree with you.

    • KingJalopy
      46 months ago

      tell me where I can go to a place where nobody will disagree with me.

      I hear there’s a site called read it that will cater to those needs if he’s curious

        • KingJalopy
          56 months ago

          Asks the person, telling me I’m arguing when all I did was make a shitty joke in reply to something someone else said as a strawman comment?

          Yes. Yes I am.

            • KingJalopy
              56 months ago

              No, people like the mods you mentioned are why. I didn’t do shit but make a crappy joke to someone else. But you’re clearly scanning your own post for more comments to try to argue why you’re right and we’re wrong. You were even given honest and well intentioned replies which you replied to by being a jerk as if everyone else in this discussion scoured the comments before making the suggestion. People like you are why you left Reddit. You are bitching about people doing what you’re doing, you just want to be the one to do it with no objections.

              • @[email protected]OP
                -46 months ago

                Considering I thanked the two people that offered actual suggestions, and everyone else is just meming and joking, your reply is largely just you mentally masturbating.

                I’ve seen this pattern so many times before that it is pretty clear where your position and ideology lies.

                • KingJalopy
                  46 months ago

                  My original comment was a joke you dunce. And it wasn’t even to you but you managed to “mentally masturbate” to your own post to the point you’re arguing with people who never engaged you to begin with.

                  • @[email protected]
                    6 months ago

                    He obviously doesn’t take anything that isn’t immediate agreement with everything he has to say in any context well.

                    I have a hunch that he may start calling you a russian bot soon, based on the timing of the tantrum he’s throwing about moderation.

                  • @[email protected]OP
                    -76 months ago

                    Plenty of comedy communities on lemmy.world, why troll a place for people just looking for answers?

                    Do you ever even once consider how your low effort casual comments shape communities?

    • @[email protected]OP
      -56 months ago

      because you could self serve that with

      1. Never heard of that site before so your assumption is pretty unwarranted.

      2. Only 2 sites show up with the ‘leftist’ tag, one is for tankies and the other is for people in the midwest. I am neither of these.

      How I read your post:

      I’m not responsible for your baises or reading comprehension issues. I asked a question, gave the reason why I was asking it, and you chose to go off on an unrelated tangent about drama. And for some reason the mods seem to think that Rule 8 doesn’t apply to you.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        I appreciate you giving context for your question, that allowed us to have a richer discourse about making you happy in the long term.

        The reason context is important, is so that we can see the meta question around the actual question.

        As far as the rule 8 relevancy discussion goes, I believe every one of my comments here has been a good faith and attempt to be extremely relevant to your concern. We can disagree about that, but I don’t wish you to be moderated out of the discussion

        • @[email protected]OP
          -46 months ago

          Your initial reply wasn’t even close to an attempt to answer my question, pretend to be civil all you want I know what your kind is like.

          but I don’t wish you to be moderated out of the discussion

          Yes and that was exactly the form of site operator supported harassment took, so I don’t want to participate in a lemmy instance that has a site operator with a willingness to support right wing activist mods.

          In 2015 when reddit was gearing up for its great fascist expansion, I saw these signs and called them out to mods, users, and admins, and UNIVERSALLY the response was quite similar to yours: ‘why are you causing drama?’

          Now look what that fucking site is like.

          And for some reason you are confused why me finding that lemmy.world is rapidly heading in that direction already would be frustrating.

          Look, thanks for the list to the lemmyverse search, but other than that my time with you has been a sad waste of electrons. You just forwarded the heat death of the universe by a tiny increment with your non-answer.