• @[email protected]
    19 months ago

    There’s no criticism of anything I’ve said here, only a series of emotionally twisted straw men. If you want to be part of conversations, be a part of them. Don’t make up your own imaginary conversations to criticize. I’m done with your nonsense

    • @[email protected]
      09 months ago

      You’re big mad about this, huh? Everyone else is crazy, you’re the only one making any sense. Couldn’t possibly be something wrong with your argument.

      • @[email protected]
        09 months ago

        That might be a salient point, had anyone actually engaged the argument I actually made.

        I’m not mad, I’m just… disappointed. Nostalgic for rational, good faith discussion on old forums. Frustrated with the post-rational labyrinth of echo-chambers that the Internet seems to have become. Saddened by the apparent abandonment of sincere engagement in favor of sterile down votes. A bit heartbroken that maybe it was always this way and I was just young enough to ignore it, and lucky enough to find little temporary oases of respite over the years.

        But not mad, certainly not mad. Mad is groupthink down votes, truth by mindless consensus, rejection of discussion. I’m just… bleh. I saw this shit at Reddit, I thought this place would be better. But I think it’s just people, I don’t think it can be any different. I’m just… kinda done. Whatever, I don’t really care anymore. Bleh.

        • @[email protected]
          09 months ago

          Quite a few people engaged with your argument. If you read back through the responses with a charitable eye you might be able to see it. Those who criticized you were ultimately trying to help you get your point across to others by suggesting you drop the part of your argument that addresses white supremacist talking points. That part of your argument was distracting and largely irrelevant to the conversation, and it made people think you were attempting to covertly inject racist ideas into the discussion (a common white supremacist tactic).

          • @[email protected]
            09 months ago

            If you read back through the responses with a charitable eye

            made people think you were attempting to covertly inject racist ideas into the discussion

            Yeah, this is the source of my disappointment, and this response is only more disappointing. You only expect nuanced, charitable perspective from one side, and that’s reasonable to you? I clarified multiple times, but some of the words look like an easily opposed argument I wasn’t making, so ignore those clarifications. Way easier to tear down an unrelated straw man than to engage with the nuanced position actually being presented.

            The Internet was a mistake. I’m done with these echo chambers. Thank you for the perspective.

            • @[email protected]
              09 months ago

              Did I say I only expect nuance or charitable interpretation from one side? I expect it from both, but I’m not seeing it from you. I see people largely agreeing with you but begging you to reconsider the way you frame your argument. I see you responding only to the negative and evidently not even SEEING the positive responses. You might be right that the internet isn’t a good place for you, you seem ill-equipped to handle even gentle disagreement.

              • @[email protected]
                9 months ago

                My charitable interpretation was calmly clarifying. The response was “Nuh uh, you’re saying white people are racially superior and evolutionarily advantaged”. One can only talk to a brick wall so long.

                Gentle disagreement I love. Straw-manning, the majority of the responses, is pointless. I have only seen one person even remotely agree, the only one who seemed to engage with my point. Everyone else is straw-manning.

                The Internet is not gentle disagreement, it’s dominated by oversimplification and echo chambers. It’s toxic. I’m done talking to brick walls.

                • @[email protected]
                  19 months ago

                  Seems to me you’re pissed off that you made a stupid argument and people called you out for it. Frankly, you came in with white supremacist talking points and you shouldn’t be surprised that people were distrustful. You got a lot more grace than you deserved from most in this thread. Not from me, admittedly, I assumed you were malicious because you didn’t seem thick. Now I think you’re just overly emotional about the whole thing and it’s clouding your perception.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -19 months ago

                    You insist I’m using white supremacist talking points after I clarified several times that I wasn’t, in fact the exact opposite.

                    You insist that I’m mad despite clarifying several times that I’m not, and consistently using calm, rational tones.

                    You’re doubling down on proving my point: it’s easier to debunk the argument you wish someone made than to engage with what they actually say.

                    I’ve been having perfectly pleasant discussions online for 20 years. It’s a shit show now. The majority of the discussions now devolve into this same self-righteous refusal to deviate from assumptions. You continue to demonstrate this behavior . Enjoy your echo chamber.