• @[email protected]
    1058 months ago

    It’s weird to sit back and look at this picture and imagine you were part of a world War or one of the other global conflicts. These weapons are tools of destruction and I’m sure many people, soldiers and otherwise didn’t want to kill other people if they could avoid it. Bearing these arms meant you had to commit to doing something dreadful, that’ll affect you for the rest of your life.

    Then these people hold these weapons with smiles on their faces like they’d be excited about ending lives. Oblivious to the notion that many people sacrificed and killed so they can pose and smile in a peaceful house, free from the possibility of harm.

    Again it’s just weird.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      In a weird way, I “get” these people.

      I live in a country with very strict gun laws, but I know some gun owners and Ive been shooting before and I hate to say it… fuck its fun.

      When I was younger I was also a dipshit street racing fuckwit, I had a very highly modified car that I did outrageously stupid dangerous crap at very high speeds and despite being at risk of serious injury, death or imprisonment… fuck it was fun.

      But these people taking photos with their guns are like people who took photos standing with their brand new sports cars thinking that they are Dominic Toretto who would talk shit about my car but would never put up paper and race. Having the equipment and doing the dangerous thing are as disparate as knowing the alphabet and writing a critically acclaimed novel.

      So they take the photos and they smile because their toys make them happy and give them delusions of who they could be without ever demanding they put themselves at risk.

      • @[email protected]
        118 months ago

        So they take the photos and they smile because their toys make them happy and give them delusions of who they could be without ever demanding they put themselves at risk.

        That’s a great way to put it.

      • @[email protected]
        68 months ago

        Yeah, I get that it can be fun.

        Still, lots of other things can be fun as well. Going through proofs of math theorems for example. Yet, you don’t typically see lots of people doing it.

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          The average IQ is supposed to be around 100. Around half the people out there have less than 100 IQ. Lead exposure lowers that even further (see Radon gas, light aircraft at small airports and race fuel at small tracks, and still old houses with pipes and paint).

          Math is not fun for those people, loud sounds and bright lights are.

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          If shooting guns was taught in schools like math we probably have a lot less people excited about guns too.

      • @JDubbleu
        8 months ago

        I grew up surrounded by guns and they’re fun as hell. I’ve considered buying my own many times but ultimately I don’t want the responsibility with gun ownership.

        The most well equipped people I knew would never talk about them with anyone except those they knew well or while shooting the shit with the range master when we’d go shooting. Posting a picture or even just taking a group picture with firearms would be a massive no. At absolute most we’d take a group picture at the range, but no guns or the range itself would be in site.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        I think you might have missed how intensely the imagery of assault rifles clashes with the nativity?

    • @[email protected]
      218 months ago

      What’s weird to me is that some people can look at this photo and not think it’s a sign of a crazy, dystopian society.

      That somehow the insane juxtaposition of smiling, happy family Christmas celebration and high powered weapons doesn’t seem completely insane to them.

      • Cethin
        78 months ago

        I think the worst part is these people in the photos aren’t the most insane ones. Sure, the picture is crazy, but they know that it appeals to a certain demographic. They aren’t doing it out of a desire for the picture themselves probably, but to make others like them somehow.