Like i don’t like comedy as as genre but when it mixes with action or thrillers it’s a complete shitshow. Characters make weird decisions , responds to the situation in stupid ways , characters cracking joke while someones losing their head , makes plot holes as in that’s so stupid no one would do that it’s only there to advance plot , makes remarks not suited to the situation all so they can sneak in some one liners or cringe jokes. There are aldready comedy movies let them enjoy that and let others enjoy other genres . Mixing comedy with other genres ruins an othervise good movie.

  • Lvxferre
    28 months ago

    I like comedy, specially mixed into other genres. That said, I think that I get what you’re saying: comedy being added as an afterthought, as relief to something that would be otherwise serious. For example, an otherwise competent character acting idiotically OOC just to deliver a pun; I don’t like this either, if you’re going to add comedy then integrate it properly into the rest of the work.

      • Lvxferre
        08 months ago

        Out of character. For example, if a character is shown as kind through the whole series, and then you see them kicking a dog, that dog-kicking is OOC.

        It’s often used for poorly made comedy: pick someone smart and make them act really dumb.