ive anabled a port forward on port 80 (TCP/UDP) to my server, but i still cant acess it. i know its unsafe to just open a port like that, this is temporary, just wanna see if it works. ill put a reverse proxt and https on it later

  • @damium
    25 months ago

    10.x.x.x is a private range. It won’t be your externally visible internet address but it might be your router’s WAN address if your upstream ISP is performing a NAT for IPv4 or if you have multiple chained routers in your network. If that is your router’s WAN address you likely won’t be able to use port forwarding for external access.

    You can find your external address by visiting ifconfig.me or from a linux shell running curl https://ifconfig.me

    My recommendation would be to start from the other direction instead. Try and get the reverse proxy working with a SSL and a test page then work on making your nextcloud instance visible. You can use a tunneled service from cloudflare or tailscale to avoid the port-forwarding and add a layer of security.