They get shit on a lot here. Why? What do they do and how is that different from other companies that offer similar services?

What I know of them: they offer DDS brute force/spam protection for websites.

  • Ada
    -25 months ago

    That would be passive support. CloudFlare actively supports hate groups

      • Ada
        25 months ago

        If you have to be dragged kicking and screaming by public outcry before you cancel Nazis, you support Nazis. But you know what happened as well as I do, so your framing of events that way is interesting…

          • Ada
            15 months ago

            Yeah yeah, freeze peach etc.

            I prioritise the safety of my community more than I value trying to conflate free speech with private monopolies acting in their own self interest, especially whilst they’re actively sustaining harm against vulnerable folk.

              • Ada
                15 months ago

                I don’t think you’re confused. I think you have different expectations than me.

                You value an ideal of free speech that in my mind doesn’t exist, and you think the harm that can be done in trying to attain it is not the biggest issue.

                I see it that other way around. I think that private monopolies actively protecting platforms used to spread hate is a bigger issue, because it’s causing real world harm right here and now.

                  • Ada
                    15 months ago

                    Exactly. There is no such thing as complete free speech. Every implementation of free speech is speech with limits influenced by societal norms. So in my mind, arguing for an ideal that doesn’t and never will exist is a pretty poor reason to sustain harm to vulnerable folk.

    • Atemu
      45 months ago

      How is their “support” more “active” than internet routers; not passive?