I have used many note-taking tools over the years, simple-note, notion, and extensively emacs org-mode, none have improved my thinking in the way that Obsidi...
A convincing presentation, I must admit. But Obsidian not being FOSS is a non-starter for me. I find note taking to be an enticing topic and try to follow the space. There is a lot of innovation going on. However, I rarely try new note taking apps. Notion, Joplin, Logseq, Zettlr, Obsidian, etc. Some are better than others for some people/tasks. But at the end, what matters is not the app/platform as much as the actual activity of note taking.
I think the appeal with obsidian in the first place is that it uses an open format(markdown). It’s basically a really great markdown editor with plugins.
A convincing presentation, I must admit. But Obsidian not being FOSS is a non-starter for me. I find note taking to be an enticing topic and try to follow the space. There is a lot of innovation going on. However, I rarely try new note taking apps. Notion, Joplin, Logseq, Zettlr, Obsidian, etc. Some are better than others for some people/tasks. But at the end, what matters is not the app/platform as much as the actual activity of note taking.
I think the appeal with obsidian in the first place is that it uses an open format(markdown). It’s basically a really great markdown editor with plugins.
Same here. I read a recent thread on HN about Joplin, it is electron based, but FOSS. You could try it.
Do you have recommendations for a FOSS note taking app?
I use Zettlr. It works for me. But I think there are many others.
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